Rockstar Wedding Photography By Amy Wood Photography

Dec 3rd 2010

Say goodbye to the old style of wedding photography - those overly posed photos of the couple and their bridal party that just look so stiff, and say hello to Amy Wood Photography, where there is an emphasis on capturing beautiful, fun, shots. Your wedding should be as passionate and unique as you are, and Amy ensures her photos reflect the colorful mood of your wedding!

Amy notes of her photography style, on her website, "I draw inspiration from movies, music videos, and magazines. I set up your shoots so that you look like you stepped right out of them. Then I work my mojo magic during post production to ensure your images are one-of-a-kind works of art designed specifically for your home."

Amy also has a Photography Blog where she goes into detail about the different shots and what went into them, so you can further capture her photography style and fun personality. We wish Amy and all at Amy Wood Photography only  continued success into 2011 - she's a rockstar!