Transforming your Toddler from a Pageant Princess to a Queen

Transforming your Toddler from a Pageant Princess to a Queen

Aug 19th 2011

Some of the best beauty pageants are toddler pageants. Who wouldn’t want to watch an adorable, smiling child walk across stage in a beautiful pageant dress? This is especially true when she’s holding a trophy or wearing a crown! Here are some words of advice to help your little pageant princess become a pageant queen.

  1. Make sure the dress you choose is appropriate for a toddler.
  2. Let your child make some pageant decisions. You don’t have to let her choose her pageant dress, but let her pick the color or a barrette for her hair.
  3. A pageant dress should reflect the contestant’s interests and allow her personality to stand out.
  4. Don’t let accessories distract from the pageant dress! Focus specifically on shoes, socks, and a belt or a chocker if needed.
  5. Pageant hairstyles can vary, but whatever hairstyle you go with, make sure to leave enough room for a tiara.
  6. Make sure your child knows she has to smile when she’s on stage. The more upbeat and happy a contestant is on stage, the better. Judges look at a contestant’s appearance, personality, and smile.
  7. Keep in mind that the judges also take notice to the reactions of audience members.
  8. Keeping a child happy when she’s not on stage can help her to be happy when she is on stage. Always pack a favorite toy for her to play with backstage.
  9. If you smile and have a good attitude, so will your child. Even if she doesn’t win, teach your child the right way to behave by doing so yourself. You’ll be teaching her how to play fair and how to be a good loser.
  10. Before a pageant, have your child practice walking across stage, her talent, and her poise in front of a crowd of family members. This will help her overcome stage fright and remember what she has to do on stage.

While all of this is important when competing in a toddler beauty pageant, the most important part of a pageant is having fun. Good luck from all of us here at!