Tactics to Make your Homecoming Campaign Stand Out

Tactics to Make your Homecoming Campaign Stand Out

Jul 29th 2011

Picture you and your date at your high school’s homecoming dance. You’re on stage and you’re both being crowned this year’s Homecoming King and Queen. You can make your dream a reality! All you need is a fantastic homecoming campaign. Here are some ideas we have that will help you be crowned.

  • Know who chooses the homecoming king and queen. In some schools the student body votes, but in others the schools faculty chooses the king and queen. This will help you gear your campaign to the right type of audience or voters.
  • Choose a theme and/or slogan for your campaign. Make sure all of your campaign materials (posters, buttons, etc.) have your slogan or a part of your theme incorporated into them.
  • Social networking is a fantastic way to promote your campaign. For example, make a Facebook page or a Twitter account. You should update these daily!
  • Shoot a quick video of yourself explaining to students why they should vote for you. Post the video to the social networks you started for the campaign.
  • Begin dressing like a queen. Don’t show up at school wearing your usual sweats and a t-shirt. Even dressing up in a pair of dark wash jeans and a dress shirt can improve your style.
  • Start shopping early for your prom dress!
  • Organize an event for a local charity, and try to get the school involved in some way.
  • Most importantly, treat everyone with respect and kindness, and always have a smile on your face!

When you implement these tactics into your campaign you’ll stand out, and make a great lasting impression to your fellow members of the student body and the school’s faculty. Good luck from all of us here at Promheadquarters.com!