The Top 5 Often Forgotten Homecoming Essentials

Posted by PromHeadquarters on Aug 1st 2017

The day of your homecoming dance is going to be a busy one. You'll be so excited for the dance, need to get your hair done, your makeup on, and dressed in that beautiful homecoming dress. Not to mention you'll be coordinating with friends all day on what time you're arriving at the dance, who's going with who, and chatting about how pretty your hair and makeup looks. You're bound to forget one of those homecoming "must-have's", and based on our own homecoming dance experience, we've compiled a list of the top 5 most often forgotten essentials. Read on to make sure you don't forget about any of these on your homecoming!

  • Dinner Plans - Some homecoming dances include dinner, others are just the dance. Find out if yours includes dinner, and if not, make plans to get your friends together and go out for dinner before the dance or after. A hungry homecoming dance go-er is not a happy one!
  • Shawl or Jacket- Unless your homecoming dress has sleeves (love!) then you need to be sure you find a shawl or jacket to coordinate with your beautiful dress. Some designers, like Rachel Allan, are even including jackets with their homecoming dresses. How awesome is that?!
  • Tickets - You arrive at your homecoming dance only to forgot the tickets! This is very common, so make sure they're snug in your purse before you walk out the door.
  • Flowers - Is your date picking up the flowers, or are you? Make sure you have this worked out in advance, as even the best-intentioned dates can forget this crucial detail.
  • Cell Phone - Taking photos is a must at your homecoming dance! You and your friends will all look so beautiful and be having so much fun that you absolutely must capture all the fun moments in selfies. 

All of us at have forgotten one of the above, so learn from us so you'll have all the homecoming essentials ready on the big day! Have fun!